
It is a widely recommended type of spine surgery for spinal conditions in case of spinal stenosis. This surgery involves removing part of the backbone, to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves. Laminectomy is usually performed in the combination of spine fusion surgery to correct instability of the spine.


It is a type of spine surgery which is used to treat a herniated disc in vertebrae. A disc separates two vertebrate and if it herniates inwards, it presses on spinal nerves, which causes pain. In this surgical procedure, all or part of the disc is removed.

Spine Fusion

Spinal fusion surgery involves joining two or more vertebrae together. This is done to prevent movement between adjacent vertebrae. Spine fusion is usually accompanied by spine instrumentation using various spine implants.

Spine specialist will choose best spine surgery treatment for a given pathology based on various factors. Choice of the procedure is based on site and magnitude of the pathology; patient’s overall medical health; spine surgeon’s preference based on his/ her training, surgical experience and available technologies etc.

Spine surgeries are safe in the current era due to latest advances in the last decade. Spine surgery provide instantaneous relief in carefully selected cases. Majority of procedures can now be done with a minimally invasive spine surgery technique, which is very safe and effective. Recovery after spine surgery is very quick. Patients can join routine activities and work within a short span of time after the surgery.

Cervical And CV Junction Surgery

Cervical Spondylosis is a very common degenerative spine disorder. Mostly elderly people are affected; however, it can affect younger patients also. Anterior Cervical Fusion is gold standard procedure for these patients. Cervical spine is approached from the front. Anterior cervical fusion can be divided in 1) Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF), and 2) Anterior Cervical Corpectomy and Fusion (ACCF).

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF): ACDF involves removal of cervical disc/ discs and reconstructing the space with a bone graft/ cage/ anterior cervical plate or a combination of these. This is procedure of choice when disc and osteophytes are bulging in spinal canal and causing pressure on spinal cord. A multilevel ACDF can be done depending upon the number of discs affected.